Saturday, April 18, 2015

Videos 9.4 to 9.7 - Extra Credit below...

Video for lesson 9.4


A.      Squaring a binomial.


B.      Finding the difference of squares.



Lesson 9.5  Part 1.


A.      Factoring trinomials with a positive b. 


B.      Factoring trinomials with a negative b


Lesson 9.5 part 2.


C.      Factoring trinomials with a negative C


D.      Factoring trinomials with two variables...


videos for 9.6... I didn't like how the book factor these problem, so I'll show you a simpler method in class.

A.      This is a bit long, but good explanation,

B.      (optional) This is not the greatest video production, but it's another example of the method we'll use in class... 



Lesson 9.7 part 1


A.      Factoring a perfect square trinomial


B.      Factor a perfect square trinomial with "a" different than 1...


Lesson 9.7 part 2


C.      Factor the difference of two squares...


KA extra credit for Chap 7 .

Algebra 1 students, 

If you would like extra credit for the chapter 7 test please do the exercises on the "link C" which is Simplyfing Expressions with exponents. These are not easy, but once you get the hang of it you'll fly by them. For every problem correct (on link C) you'll get one extra point (up to a max of +10 bonus points) on the Test 7. 

Links A and B do not count towards extra credit put I'm posting them here because they are very helpful. If you are missing the ones on link C, practice A and B first... 

Be sure you are logged in to KA first! then click on the link... 

God bless - Coach Batista. 

  1. Exponents (in KA).

    1. Exponent rules…


    2. Properties…

    3. Simplifying expressions with exponents… ... pay attention to the directions. They ask you to write it all in on line, that is, no fractions. So you could have a negative exponent in the answer.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Video chap 9...