Friday, December 25, 2015

Grades are in Power School

  Merry Christmas to all!!! 

  All my Math and PE grades are in Power School. Most of you guys did well. Thanks for your hard work! Enjoy the break, learn something new, stay active.

- Coach Batista 

João Paulo Batista
Brasilia International School - 
Math, PE, Athletics -
Love people, Love God

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Answers to Semester Exam study guide review.

Class, below is a link to a Student folder (in Google drive) that has all the answers to the Semester Exam study guide. Please check it out. Hope this helps. God bless. 

Friday, November 20, 2015

Coach Batista classes today.

If possible please try the following for my classes today. If my students read this they'll know what to do. I'll try to be back asap .

Algebra 1.

5.6, p285, ex 5 & 6
Do quick checks. plus hw problems that go with those examples.

Bible class.
Write down on paper your memory Bible verse . Cannot use notes for this.  Then read the next chapter in John.

Algebra 2.
Take chapter test 4A. Get a teacher to make the copies for you. The test is on my wooden shelves on the Alg 2 folder (it's in a booklet full of worksheets and tests)  . Need 6 copies of test 4A.

Do all the odd number questions. Skip Kramer questions and segmented matrix questions.

Pre algebra.
Check answers to last hw .
Read lesson 5.2 and do the hw problems on section A of 5.2.


Sent via phone. JP Batista.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

videos 5.1 to 5.5

5.1 A, interpreting graphs, poor explanation… ,


5.1 B, sketching a graphs,


5.2, 4 videos in here


5.3 A, three views of a function,


5.3 B, discrete vs continuous data,


5.3 C, graphing nonlinear functions,


5.4 A, writing a function from a table, great video,


5.4 B, write a function from words, this is not a very good video explanation… L, but take a quick look… ,


5.5 A,


5.5 B, proportions and constant K,


5.5 C, use proportion to solve direct variation,



Saturday, October 17, 2015

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Fwd: Free PSAT practice on Khan Academy

Hi Coachbatista,

Earlier this year, Khan Academy partnered with the creators of the SAT to make personalized practice for the new PSAT/NMSQT and SAT available to anyone, anywhere—for free. If you or a teacher you know has students taking the PSAT/NMSQT on October 14, now is a great time for them to start studying.

Download our flyer for your students

The new PSAT/NMSQT has the same structure as the SAT, just without some of the hardest questions (or the optional essay). This is also a great time to remind students that their PSAT/NMSQT results can help them earn national recognition and scholarships.

You can also visit Khan Academy to try out our new PSAT/NMSQT and SAT practice yourself.

We hope your students will find these free resources useful!

Annie and the Khan Academy SAT team

PO Box 1630, Mountain View, CA 94042 | Our Privacy Policy

If you'd prefer not to receive these types of emails from me, unsubscribe here.

P.S. If your students are taking the SAT in January 2016 or before, check out our resources for the current SAT. Otherwise, check out Official SAT Practice on for the new PSAT/NMSQT and SAT—it's totally free.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Weekly planner. Time Schedule Organizer

Print one of these for each. To plan ask two questions.
1- What do I need to do this week? 
2- What do I want to do this week? 

Put the things you need to do (important things) in your schedule first. Then put in the other stuff. Keep your schedule only 70% full so you have breathing room. If you fill it up more than that it won't work ; ) 



Sent via phone. JP Batista.

Monday, August 31, 2015

videos chap 3.

Lesson 3.1 (three videos)


Copy the "algebra work" shown in each of these videos. Don't copy all the text and definitions on the screen,  just the math work that the teacher actually writes during the video. Also answer the questions asked along the way (don't just hit the continue button). Think through it! 


Watch and copy the first two videos here…


Third video is here.


Lesson 3.2

Solve multi-step


Sunday, August 16, 2015

Khan Academy / topics in Alg1 chaps 1 and 2.

Khan Academy / topics in Alg1 chaps 1 and 2.  … for Math Enrichment.

Chapter 1.

1.    Order of operations…  be sure to also practice with negative numbers…

2.       Mean, median, mode,

3.       Functions and patterns…

4.       Construct scatter plot….

Chapter 2.

1.       Adding fractions…

2.       subtracting fractions...

3.       subtracting fractions with negative numbers…

4.       One step equation, adding,

5.       One step equation, multiplying,

6.       Two step equations,

7.       Equations with distributive property…


Join one of my K.A. classes....

Join one of my K.A. classes. And use a name on your profile (not a number).

Class codes to join my classes on Khan Academy (if you have not done so).  

Also please make sure to use your name on your profile (not a number or nickname) so that I know who is in my class. Thanks!

Alg 1. Batista Class code: QYNXQX

Alg 2. Batista Class code: S3V5YQ

Algebra Basics Batista Class code: 4BAZ5E

Pre-Algebra Batista Class code: SZZPTS

Math (overall) Batista Class code: BUE4D4

  1. Directions to join a class...

  2. Sign up at (or log in with their existing accounts)

  3. Visit

  4. There, in the "Add a coach" field, enter the class code…

Also please make sure to use your name on your profile (not a number or nickname) so that I know who is in my class. Thanks!

Videos for chap 1

Check out these helpful videos for Chapter 1.

Click on the links below.

You don't have to watch all of them, but certainly watch the ones you are not sure how to do.


Lesson: Scatter Plots

Making a scatter plot

Using scatter plots and trend lines to make predictions

Lesson: Mean, Median, Mode, and Range


Finding mean, median, and mode(s)

Finding range and using it to compare the spread of two sets of data

Making a stem-and-leaf plot

Here is a good video on the Box and Whiskers plot…


Monday, August 10, 2015

First Math HW for 2015-2016

Welcome back students! I am excited that you are in my class. Math is a powerful subject, especially when you calculate thing just right.
Check out this first link for an example of perfect timing between me (wearing orange shirt) and my partner one the trapeze : )
Click on this link to see your HW assignment.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Final review...

HW: Study guide/ review for final


Algebra 1

-          HW:  

-           ch 7, p 424, 1, 2, 19, 22, 27, >> this is due Monday. 

-          Ch8, p488, 1, 3, 12, 22,

-          Ch 9, p544, 5, 6, 11, 20, 27, 28, 30, 31, 33,

-          Ch 10, p610, 1-4,  5,6,  9, 13, 20,  22, 26, 37, 41,

-          Make a list of your questions.

-          practice the problems we've talked about in class. Study hard!

practice these problems. Once you finish, go back and find other problems similar to these and practice those. Study hard!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Videos 9.4 to 9.7 - Extra Credit below...

Video for lesson 9.4


A.      Squaring a binomial.


B.      Finding the difference of squares.



Lesson 9.5  Part 1.


A.      Factoring trinomials with a positive b. 


B.      Factoring trinomials with a negative b


Lesson 9.5 part 2.


C.      Factoring trinomials with a negative C


D.      Factoring trinomials with two variables...


videos for 9.6... I didn't like how the book factor these problem, so I'll show you a simpler method in class.

A.      This is a bit long, but good explanation,

B.      (optional) This is not the greatest video production, but it's another example of the method we'll use in class... 



Lesson 9.7 part 1


A.      Factoring a perfect square trinomial


B.      Factor a perfect square trinomial with "a" different than 1...


Lesson 9.7 part 2


C.      Factor the difference of two squares...


KA extra credit for Chap 7 .

Algebra 1 students, 

If you would like extra credit for the chapter 7 test please do the exercises on the "link C" which is Simplyfing Expressions with exponents. These are not easy, but once you get the hang of it you'll fly by them. For every problem correct (on link C) you'll get one extra point (up to a max of +10 bonus points) on the Test 7. 

Links A and B do not count towards extra credit put I'm posting them here because they are very helpful. If you are missing the ones on link C, practice A and B first... 

Be sure you are logged in to KA first! then click on the link... 

God bless - Coach Batista. 

  1. Exponents (in KA).

    1. Exponent rules…


    2. Properties…

    3. Simplifying expressions with exponents… ... pay attention to the directions. They ask you to write it all in on line, that is, no fractions. So you could have a negative exponent in the answer.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Video chap 9...